Our meals are served in the dining rooms of the Sarah Farmer Inn and can accommodate up to 150 guests. Meals are served buffet style, always with a vegetarian or vegan option and with an emphasis on whole grains and fresh fruit and vegetables. An extensive salad bar, which contains raw vegetable options, cheese, beans, seeds, and specially made salads are available during lunch and dinner.
Our café is located near the bookstore in the Kelsey Center, offers espresso, cappuccino, lattes, smoothies, soft drinks, baked goods, popcorn, ice cream novelties, fruit, and other snacks. Café hours are provided to guests upon arrival.
Food Preferences and Needs
While we are not able to custom cook for you. We hope we have provided enough options to satisfy your dietary needs.
If you have a life-threatening food allergy, it is very important to inform us during the online registration process.