Morning Refresh | Nobility

May 12, 2021 | Community, Morning Refresh, Spirituality, Videos

Meditations with Bonnie & Stephanie | Welcome to Morning Refresh. This week we will be talking about “Nobility”. We will begin with some quotes from the sacred texts, followed by a reflection and ending with a musical meditation with Jessica.

Know thou that every soul is fashioned after the nature of God, each being pure and holy at his birth. Afterwards, however, the individuals will vary according to what they acquire of virtues or vices in this world. Although all existent beings are in their very nature created in ranks or degrees, for capacities are various, nevertheless every individual is born holy and pure… 

During these challenging times and as we adapt our daily living in new and creative ways, we welcome you to take a few moments of self-care and join us in an online sacred experience. In each session we will explore together such topics as Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude through prayers, readings and meditation. These sessions are pre-recorded.

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