Part of a series of art shows that explore justice through beauty, Chaga Nolosan – Walking in Beauty is an Indigenous-centered, multi-media art show that highlights and amplifies the voices and contributions of our Indigenous sisters and brothers. The “Spirit of the Age” is the “Oneness of Humanity” — “that which is confirmed is the oneness of the world of humanity. Every soul who serveth this oneness will undoubtedly be assisted and confirmed.”

To reach this next stage of maturity, the realization of our inherent oneness, those voices that have been historically silenced must now be supported and amplified to offer their unique contribution to our human family. It is in this spirit that the Art Committee of Green Acre, in collaboration with Artists Building Capacity as World Citizens, presents Chaga Nolosan – Walking in Beauty, a show curated and populated by Indigenous peoples of the Americas.

Selection from the Writings of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá: 77